
IPD Group Limited is strongly committed to protecting your privacy while interacting with our web site and services. The purpose of this privacy policy is to tell you what kind of information we may gather about you when you visit our site and how we may use that information. This policy does not apply to other entities that are not owned or controlled by IPD, nor does it apply to persons that are not employees or agents of IPD, or that are not under its control.

What we collect and why

IPD collects general anonymous statistical information about who has visited this site, such as that contained in server log files, such as your IP address, and cookie information.
IPD does not otherwise collect any personal information about you other than that which you choose to send to us.

Use of data

Data may be used to customize and improve your user experience on this site. Otherwise IPD will only use the personal information you choose to provide us for the purpose for which you provided it.

Efforts will be made to prevent your data being made available to third parties unless (i) provided for otherwise in this Privacy Policy; (ii) your consent is obtained, such as when you choose to opt-in or opt-out for the sharing of data; (iii) a service provided on our site requires interaction with a third party, or is provided by a third party, such as an application service provider; (iv) pursuant to legal action or law enforcement; (v) it is found that your use of this site violates IPD ’s policies, terms of service, or other usage guidelines, or if it is deemed reasonably necessary by the site editor to protect the site editor's legal rights and/or property; or (vi) this site is purchased by a third party, in which case that third party will be able to use the data in the same manner as set forth in this policy.

Group Companies

By using this web site you are consenting to the personal information you send us being transferred within IPD Group Limited or its group companies (if any).


Like many web sites, this web site may set and use cookies to enhance your user experience - to remember your personal settings, for instance. Advertisements may display on this web site and, if so, may set and access cookies on your computer; such cookies are subject to the privacy policy of the parties providing the advertisement. However, the parties providing the advertising do not have access to this site's cookies. These parties usually use non-personally-identifiable or anonymous codes to obtain information about your visits to this site.

Access to information and changes

If IPD holds your personal information we will where possible provide you with access to the information if requested. IPD will take reasonable steps to correct the information so that it is accurate, complete and up to date.

Links to other Web Sites

The privacy practices set forth in this Privacy Statement are for our web site only. Our web site may contain links to other sites. IPD is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such sites. If you link to or otherwise visit any other site, please review the privacy policies posted at that site.
In the event you choose to use links displayed on this web site to visit other web sites, you are advised to read the privacy policies published on those sites.

No Guarantee

While this privacy policy states standards for maintenance of data, and while efforts will be made to meet the said standards, the site editor is not in a position to guarantee compliance with these standards. There may be factors beyond IPD’s control that may result in disclosure of data. Consequently, IPD offers no warranties or representations as regards maintenance or non-disclosure of data.

Changes to our Policy and Contacting us

If we change our privacy policy, we will inform you by posting these changes on this page.
Send any correspondence to Privacy Manager, IPD Group Limited, 43 Newton Road, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164.